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In this day and age the incidence of this disease has increased significantly and it is interrelated with our society’s modern way of life. Factors that influence the frequency of this disease in the present day are extreme competitiveness, the breakdown between human relations, which goes hand in hand with a concurrent increase in consumption, and the crisis of human values.
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Seeking help from a mental health expert, despite any good references that such a person may have, is not a simple matter.
A person usually experiences such an impasse because of the “tortuous” condition in which he finds himself, which forces him to take the step of finding a therapist. He therefore starts with a compromise. The next compromise will become evident from the need to take some form of medication.
Most people have trouble recognizing when a manifestation can be regarded as healthy and when as “pathological”. A key factor is the degree of functionality of an individual at social level, family level and in his/her workplace.